Jews In Singapore

The first Jews to settle in Singapore were of Bagdadi origin, mainly from India, who migrated to Singapore soon after Sir Stamford Raffles established Singapore as a trading post in 1819. A couple of decades after the Sultan of Johor in 1824 sold the 200-square-mile (520 km2) area to the British, the Jewish community was large enough to build a synagogue seating 40 persons on what is still known as "Synagogue Street."

The 1931 census records that the 832 Jews and larger number of Arab residents were the largest house property owners in the city.[1] There were over 1,500 Jewish inhabitants by 1939. Many were interned by the Japanese during World War II, and a number subsequently emigrated to Israel, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. As a result, the community numbered approximately 450 in 1968. Due to a large Ashkenazi immigration rate to Singapore in recent years, the population is now between 2000 and 3000 and comprises both foreign Ashkenazi and Sefardi Jews. More about the Jewish community in Singapore here.

David Marshall

Probably the most well-known Jew in the history of Singapore is David Marshall. He was born in 1908 and is known for being the first Chief Minister of Singapore in 1955 lasting for 14 months. He also led the first Merdeka Talks to London in hope for gaining independence from the British. In his later life, he served as Singapore's ambassador to France, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. He died in 1995 of lung cancer.[3]

Photo above  shows Mr David Marshall ( right ) in conversation with former  PM Lee Kuan Yew 


Sir Manasseh Meyer and Synagogues

An interesting and influential figure at the turn of the twentieth century was Sir Manasseh Meyer. An extremely wealthy Jew, probably the wealthiest in the Far East at the time, Sir Manasseh Meyer founded the Maghain Aboth Synagogue in response to finding the original synagogue in Synagogue Street in poor condition. Over the years, as Jewish immigration to Singapore increased, the Maghain Aboth Synagogue began to become overcrowded during services.

Because of friction between the Sephardic and Ashenazi communities over how the services should be carried out, Sir Manasseh Meyer decided to build a new synagogue which was completed in 1905, The Chesed-El Synagogue. Both synagogues still stand today and have been gazetted as national monuments by the Singapore Government. The Maghain Aboth and Chesed El Synagogues are open throughout the year.
